Super Bowl Gatorade Betting | The Best Gatorade Bath Prop to Bet

Will purple repeat as Gatorade bath color in Super Bowl 58? It hit as a +1000 underdog last year.

With Super Bowl 58 set to kick off in two days, sports bettors around the world are getting ready to lay down upwards of $23 billion, a new record. While most people bet on the Moneyline, Spread or Over/Under, the real bettors know that there are over 1000 prop bets available from the top sportsbooks.

No super bowl betting prop is more outlandish than the “what color of Gatorade will be poured on the winning coach?” prop. Our experts break down the best Gatorade color prop bet from DraftKings Sportsbook to make heading into the big game.

What are the Super Bowl Gatorade Color Odds?

gatorade color betting odds
The betting odds for Super Bowl gatorade color brought to us by DraftKings.

DraftKings, our top rated sportsbook for prop bets, has seven betting options to choose from for the Gatorade prop bet.

If you are looking to bet on Gatorade prop color, you can get a free $150 in bonus bets when you place a $5 bet now.

What Color Gatorade Was Used Last Year?

Last year, when the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Philadelphia Eagles, coach Andy Reid was doused in purple gatorade as they closed out the game. This netted bettors a whopping +750 as the second-biggest underdog in the betting market.

Here are the last give colors of Gatorade to be used in the Super Bowl bath:

  • 2023: Kansas City Chiefs, purple, +750
  • 2022: Los Angeles Rams, blue +300
  • 2021: Tampa Bay Buccaneers, blue +650
  • 2020: Kansas City Chiefs, orange +400
  • 2019: New England Patriots, blue +150

Which Gatorade Color Prop is the Betting Favorite?

Coming in as the favorite, a bet on a purple gatorade bath will return $250 for every $100 bet. Why is purple the favorite? With purple being used last year by the Chiefs, bookmakers think that a repeat could be likely if they win the Lombardi trophy on Sunday.

Purple cashed in last year as a +1000 underdog, as it was only the third time since 2000 that the gatorade bath has been purple. With the Chiefs on the field again, will they repeat as champions and purple repeat as the gatorade king?

BetPreview Expert Opinion: While purple came in last year as a big dog, we would shy away from it this year. There is about a 45% chance that the Chiefs win this game and if they do, there is no guarantee it will be purple. The odds are just too low here.

Why is Red Coming in Second at +275?

A surprise second favorite is red, where a $100 bet will bring in a profit of $275. This is surprising because red has never been the Gatorade color poured on a winning head coach since 2001.

Red may be the most popular Gatorade flavor in the world, but somehow it just never makes it onto the sidelines of the winning Super Bowl team. However, both teams wear red, so could this be there year that it breaks through?

BetPreview Expert Opinion: Red hasn’t been the Gatorade Super Bowl bath color in over 23 years. At only +275, we will have to pass on the low odds because this one just never seems to cash.

Yellow and Green Together at +300

Coming in third for the Super Bowl Gatorade bath betting, you get a two-for-one with the yellow/green combination at +300.

Like purple, the yellow/green has only been seen three times since the turn of the century. It has also not cashed the Gatorade prop bet in seven years when the Eagles beat the Patriots, making it unlikely that it will make its return here.

BetPreview Expert Opinion: Green/yellow has only cashed three times in the last 24 years, just like purple. But, at least with purple you are getting the chance that they bring it back for good luck. Pass on green/yellow as the odds are too low.

Orange Has Been the Most Poured Gatorade Color Since 2001

At the same price as green/yellow, we have orange to be the color of the Super Bowl Gatorade bath at +300, bet down from an opening line of +500. Since 2001, orange has been the most used color, with the winning coach being doused in the original Gatorade five times.

Orange was the color that the Chiefs poured over Reid in the 2020 win over thr 49ers. With the game being a repeat of their triumph four years ago, could the classic orange color show up in Las Vegas?

BetPreview Expert Opinion: Orange seems to be a solid bet over the past 24 years and it was around when the Chiefs won in 2020. It could be worth a sprinkle if you think KC will repeat their win over San Francisco.

Blue Gatorade…The Best Prop Bet at +350?

Blue Gatorade has been the color of the Super Bowl Betting Prop three times in the last five years.

Blue is the most popular bet in the last five years, as it has cashed the prop in three of those five Super Bowls. Last seen when Sean McVay got dumped on when the Los Angeles Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in 2022, it looks like a decent bet at +350.

This looks good, until you consider the fact that the Chiefs don’t seem to keep blue on their sideline. We don’t know much about what the 49ers are drinking, but blue seems like a value bet as the second-biggest underdog here.

BetPreview Expert Opinion: We would certainly take a shot on blue at this value. Getting better odds for something that has hit paydirt in three of the last five years looks to be worth it at a solid +350.

The “Clear” Gatorade Prop Underdog at +1000

Last but not least, we have a clear Gatorade or water bath on the winning coach at masstive +1000 odds. While clear Gatorade may not seem as likely as some of the colors listed above, it has actually been a winner four times in the last 20 Super Bowls.

With the Chiefs seeming to always have color in their bucket and clear not coming through since 2015, there’s a reason why this one is such a longshot.

BetPreview Expert Opinion: While the +1000 odds may be tempting, we don’t think clear or water will return in Vegas. Hard pass on this.

Will There Be a Gatorade Shower at Super Bowl 58?

You can also bet on “No Gatorade Shower” which has actually been missing in four of the Super Bowls in the past two decades. Being in sunny Las Vegas, it’s hard to see either team breaking tradition and not delivering the customary splash to their winning coach at the end of this one.

BetPreview Expert Opinion: There’s a reason why this is +1600. With the warm weather in Vegas and both teams looking for a big SB win for their own reasons, there’s no way a coach is not getting soaked on Sunday night.

The Best Bet for the Super Bowl Gatorade Prop

Obviously, betting on the color of Gatorade at the Super Bowl is something that is nearly impossible to handicap unless you are the Bobby Boucher of the 49ers or Chiefs.

With orange being bet down from +500 to +300 and blue hitting in three of the last five, we would place a small wager on either of those outcomes.

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